Graceful Songbird: Exquisitely Adorned and Uniquely Distinguished (Video)

A cute little songbird with a highly distinctive, perfectly framed dark chocolate crest.

Meet the Taiwan yuhina


The Taiwan yuhina (Yuhina brunneiceps), also known as Formosan yuhina, is a medium-sized yuhina measuring 13 cm in length. They sport a black mustachioed face, a white throat, and greyish underparts. The wings are a shade of olive-green white the feet yellow and the bill black.

imageThe two sexes look very similar in appearance.

Juveniles look similar to their adult counterparts as well.

imageThis bird is endemic to and found in the island nation of Taiwan.

imageThough restricted to certain areas, this species is common in these areas, which are temperate forested areas between 1000 to 2800m.

imageTaiwan yuhina like to feed on nectar from cherry blossoms and other flowers. It is also thought they probably also dine on small invertebrates and maybe fruit.

imageThe breeding season for these birds is from April through to June. They are thought to breed up to three times a year. Communal nesters, 3 to 4 pairs lay their eggs in the same nest and incubate the eggs by taking turns. The nest is a small deep cup, made of roots, fern, moss, and cobwebs, placed among thick branches.

imageThis bird is regarded as of Least Concern on the IUCN Red List.

imageLink Video:

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